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My Mission Statement

To lead, inspire and empower my peers to strengthen community and cooperation.

Leadership: About

Croxfords Leadership Program

I take pride in being a student leader at W.H Croxford Highschool! I've had so many amazing opportunities and experiences through our leadership program!

Leadership: Welcome

My Values


What is a leader without anyone to lead? Having the ability to communicate ideas and aspirations to others is key to innovation and success! I believe cooperation is the most important aspect of leading because it is what separates a leader from a boss by coaching instead of directing.


I have learned that the easiest way to grab others attention is by expressing myself passionately. I personally have been inspired by those who are in love with what they do and it is beautiful to see someones face light up just from their favourite topic. Leadership has really helped me develop into the person I am today and I aspire to help others everyday!


"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going" is a quote by Beverly Sills and is the perfect example of dedication, determination and hard work. To achieve anything, the work, obstacles and journey to get there is the only way you will be able to reach that point. To lead is having the ability to encourage others on the path you are walking on together!


Positivity has a major impact in regards to leading. Being open-minded and creating a positive environment around yourself makes you a lot more approachable. This is very important when building trust with your peers. Positivity boosts morale, motivation, skill building and so much more!

Leadership: CV
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