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Programs: Files

Building Futures

2017 - 2018

For my grade 10 year I was lucky enough to be apart of the Building Futures program. Building Futures is a year-long program where 32 students get to work with the trades building a McKee house while receiving their high school education. During the school year, we got to go on many field trips including touring SAITs programs, visiting interior design companies, learn about green building and much more. Not only did we get to experience so many rich opportunities, but we also gained valuable skills that will help us in the future. In the program, I designed our class of 2018's yearbook and hoodies.

Rocky View Leadership Academy

2018 - Present

This academy is a division-wide opportunity within our school system where students from various schools get to learn and build leadership skills. During year one, I gained an incredible amount from every session. At RVLA we get to watch presentations from local businesses and participate in team building activities. For our year-end project, we get to present a school run event from our home school to the Rocky View School board. During year two, I was the Co-Chair for our school divisions Middle School Leadership Conference. This day-long events is design to inspire and empower young leaders within our community. Over the few months of planning I organized my planning team, designed conference decorations, and helped create a variety of activities we ran throughout the day. On the day of the event I assisted within a spirit group, ran a "skill-building" activity, and ran a leadership discussion for the students. All my experiences within RVLA has made me a stronger more passionate leader!

HYRS Program U of C


The Heritage Youth Researcher Summer Program is a six-week commitment where students get first-hand experience with biomedical research. I was one out of 25 students who were chosen out of over 165 applicants from Alberta. In my specific lab, I conducted experiments on lung cancer cells to determine if they are sensitive to a certain combination of protein inhibitors. During the six-week period we were able to sit in on panel discussions, go on lab tours, and attend social events. I was also able to make awesome connections with the other bright individuals within the program! At the end of my program, I presented a scientific poster to display my work.

Programs: Work
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